Compassion Stories
(From 2017)
15,000 pouches of Compassion Tea were sold in 2017! Between our partnership with HOPE Coffee and our beloved coffee shop and church and seminary and gift shop and fitness friend partners, that is a lot of tea! (And for our numerical friends, that equates to roughly 225,000 tea bags!)
Compassion Tea added 19 new sales partners in 2017! We now have a presence in 24 states! Thank you all for your giving hearts, for your passion for God's people, and for your mission to serve God as you serve His people... with every cuppa!
116,419 patients were treated at the clinics we support in Africa! This means that 116,419 of our dear neighbors in South Africa, Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi, Zambia, and Tanzania felt the healing hand of God in 2017! The unborn and the newly born were helped when their moms received training and pre and post-natal healthcare. Children, orphans, injured mentally, emotionally, or physically received loving care. Men and women received testing, diagnosis, treatment, training, and the message of God's love. The elderly received dignity and aid, training and hope, glasses and dental care to help them in their later years.
15,000 pouches of tea translates to 116,419 lives changed in 2017! To copy the famous credit card advertisement, 15,000 pouches + 116,419 lives bettered = priceless!